Pawanraj Sadhwani | Tech Consultant. Scribbles Occasionaly

Hi! I am Pawanraj Sadhwani

I consult businesses on technology strategy.
I also run half marathons and cheer Manchester United.
I sometimes write about technology, my life or nothing at all.
My subconscious talked me into creating this site and writing more.

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Book Review: Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts

Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts is the first person narration of an Australian fugitive who escapes to India, where fantastical, unbelievable things happen. He lives in a slum, works with the mafia, and fights with the mujahideen in Afghanistan. I had high hopes for the book. But it was disappointing...

Book Review: The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger is the love story of Henry and Clare, complicated by Henry's propensity to time-travel unpredictably.

Spring Cleaning

In which I clean a bunch. Everything that does not spark joy must go! Everything!

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