Not Today
Something is troubling you. You do not know what it is. You cannot pinpoint it. You try to turn the dial to bring into sharp focus the spectrum of emotions so you can hear them clearly - but find only vague incoherent static. The tuning mechanism of your life-radio is broken …
The Power of Stories...
I have been reading The Story Bible by Pearl Buck. It is The Bible, but without (most of) the "religious stuff". What it does is recount the stories in the Bible in short 10-12 page chapters. And as I read, I realize that as a story, the Bible is quite …
I Want to Talk to You...
I want to talk to you. But I can't. I can't. And I watch in despair, as I shout, I scream... I say the words that you cannot hear. I despair as I see two steady streams - of words - of thoughts - of understanding, flowing down into the valley that now …
Nuclear Power
In the beginning there was just, the word... And then came science... And then someone discovered radioactivity. Everyone found this interesting... Others extended the concept and discovered fission... Then things became really interesting... That was the advent of nuclear energy... Now there was a set of people who thought nuclear …
This way and That...
So, imagine this. You're walking on this road. Just you. All alone. You cannot turn back. You cannot sit down. You have nowhere else to go. You have nowhere to turn. And so, you must walk the direction you're walking in. And then you see a vehicle coming at you …
Recent Posts
Not Today
Something is troubling you. You do not know what it is. You cannot pinpoint it. You try to turn the dial to bring into sharp focus the spectrum of emotions so you can hear them clearly - but find only vague incoherent static. The tuning mechanism of your life-radio is broken …
The Power of Stories...
I have been reading The Story Bible by Pearl Buck. It is The Bible, but without (most of) the "religious stuff". What it does is recount the stories in the Bible in short 10-12 page chapters. And as I read, I realize that as a story, the Bible is quite …
I Want to Talk to You...
I want to talk to you. But I can't. I can't. And I watch in despair, as I shout, I scream... I say the words that you cannot hear. I despair as I see two steady streams - of words - of thoughts - of understanding, flowing down into the valley that now …